There was a guy talking about how he knew Colin Powell and that Colin should be in on the meeting he wants to have with Maxine. And a woman who said "Redondo Beach is the worst city in the world" due to its poor health care in not treating her epilepsy and taking away her children and letting other people spank them. A bit of a rambler. So all in all there were more people wanting to tell their story than ask a question because they were overwhelmingly supporters of Obama and you can't stop someone once they start talking about their health. In fact, there were so many people who wanted to talk about their health that there were not enough seats and people had to stand out in the lobby and just listen to the proceedings.
I was expecting more out of the black guy with the Glenn Beck "Don't Tread on Me T-Shirt". I mention his race because who knew there were African American Glenn Beck supporters? But all he did was sarcastically say "We're going to be paying for our healthcare? But Obama said that we wouldn't pay a dime."
So, no screams of "Socialism" or "Nazi!" and the only rifle I saw was toted by a color guard but it's likely that those old screaming white people who usually show up are too scared to attend a Townhall in Inglewood.
This guy must have been there to talk about prenatal care.
Now, the video I recorded which follows is probably just an angry Veteran but he did start off talking about when he fell in love with Maxine which caused the audience to yell at him to get to the point and then this happened...
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