They are therefore promoting the idea that they’ve gone viral, in much the same way that networks call new TV shows that haven’t aired yet “their new hit show.” They have also stated that their website has been down due to heavy traffic, you are then compelled to test it out, finding that it is miraculously up and running. If you say it, they will come.
Watch Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity, deliver his video on what he’d like from you.
In a second video Senator Inhofe from Oklahoma tells us that the bill is: “93% spending and only 7% stimulating.” Sort of like his sex life.
Their website states that “Americans for Prosperity Policy Director Phil Kerpen investigates taxpayer funded lobbying.”
Which is why it’s so cool that they don’t pay any taxes themselves as they’re exempt and their income in contributions was $5,695,000 in 2007, while they spent $6,768,000. Which means they spent $1,072,849 more, than they took in. So they’re pretty good at out of control spending while simultaneously investigating other people who do the same thing. Americans for Prosperity: Exempt from taxes, yet still not prosperous.
AFP Ironic 2007 Tax returns
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