Smurftastic Obamacombos (I don’t know if there’s a term for these things but I’m coining it):
Obamastration = Obama Administration
Obamabration = Obama Celebration
Obamamama = Michelle Obama or Mothers who support Obama
Obamanation = People who support Obama
Obamariffic = Describing something as terrific
Obamanominator = Superdelegate who nominated Obama
Obamacan = Republican who crossed over party lines to vote for Obama
Obamacrat = Democrats who support Obama
Obamafication = Being excited for change due to Obama
Obamafied = Adopting a Yes We Can attitude
Obama’d = Being effected by Obama
Obamabration = To party in the name of Obama
Obamatarian = Avid Obama supporter
Obamatized = Being moved by Obama’s speeches
Obamatopia = The White House with Obama in it, play on Camelot term for Kennedy
White House
Obamauguration = Obama inauguration
Obamazon = Female Obama supporter
Obamerica = US under Obama’s leadership
Obamicon = Making yourself into an Obama marketing poster http://obamicon.me
Obaminator = Hard working Obama campaigner
Obaminatrix = Hard working female Obama campaigner
Obamaniac = Person obsessed with Obama
Simpson’s Weightgate = Is the laziest use I’ve ever seen. Jessica Simpson gained weight = scandal
Monicagate = Monica Lewinsky and President Bill Clinton sex scandal
Nannygate = Government officials not paying taxes on their nannies
Troopergate = Arkansas state troopers sex scandal involving Bill Clinton or Sarah Palin’s firing of the Alaskan state public safety commissioner for not firing her former brother-in-law state trooper
Whitewatergate = Clinton investment scandal
Travelgate = Firings of White House Travel Office employees
Hookergate = Defense contractors bribed congressman for political favors – I’m not sure why it’s called Hookergate, and I really don’t care to investigate.
Rathergate = The memo shown on 60 Minutes that took down Dan Rather
Nipplegate = Justin Timberlake exposing Janet Jackson’s nipple at the Superbowl halftime show
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