While many are speculating drug use or alcohol in an attempt to explain Joaquin Phoenix’s uncooperative appearance on Letterman last night, I’m going to say with confidence that it’s a character he’s playing and the footage will go in his movie which will likely be a docu-style film of him awkwardly attempting to become a hip hop singer. Letterman’s professional sarcasm allowed him to handle Phoenix’s one word answers with comments like “Joaquin, I’m sorry you couldn’t be here tonight.”
After Joaquin we all cleansed our palettes with the guest who followed: the new Sports Illustrated cover model Bar Refaeli. As Letterman held up her bikini pics, the studio audience wasn’t sure whether to clap or masturbate. Many did both.
In looking up other Letterman weird interviews I found one by Crispin Glover dressed in a weird outfit and rambling on. At the time everyone said he was on acid, but if you watch this music video that he came on to promote three years later, you will see the same character at 1:50 minutes into the video.
And here's the Letterman weirdness of which I speak.
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