The only other time I’ve ever seen a prefix take off like this was amongst the Smurfs. And like the smurfs, there don’t seem to be negative Obama prefixes, unlike the use of the popular gate suffix in conjunction with a scandal. And they are almost all nicknames for inspired individuals rather than negative events like gate is. The one negative Obama based word that comes to mind is the suffix blend use in NObama. But at least once people start using his name in a negative suffix or prefix way, we’ll get to cut down on the use of gate. I’m sure I’ve missed a bunch but below are Obama inspired word combinations and Watergate inspired uses of the word gate. One day, FOX News created or not, there will be an Obamagate and the prefix and suffix will collide.

Smurftastic Obamacombos (I don’t know if there’s a term for these things but I’m coining it):
Obamastration = Obama Administration
Obamabration = Obama Celebration
Obamamama = Michelle Obama or Mothers who support Obama
Obamanation = People who support Obama
Obamariffic = Describing something as terrific
Obamanominator = Superdelegate who nominated Obama
Obamacan = Republican who crossed over party lines to vote for Obama
Obamacrat = Democrats who support Obama
Obamafication = Being excited for change due to Obama
Obamafied = Adopting a Yes We Can attitude
Obama’d = Being effected by Obama
Obamabration = To party in the name of Obama
Obamatarian = Avid Obama supporter
Obamatized = Being moved by Obama’s speeches
Obamatopia = The White House with Obama in it, play on Camelot term for Kennedy
White House
Obamauguration = Obama inauguration
Obamazon = Female Obama supporter
Obamerica = US under Obama’s leadership
Obamicon = Making yourself into an Obama marketing poster
Obaminator = Hard working Obama campaigner
Obaminatrix = Hard working female Obama campaigner
Obamaniac = Person obsessed with Obama
Simpson’s Weightgate = Is the laziest use I’ve ever seen. Jessica Simpson gained weight = scandal
Monicagate = Monica Lewinsky and President Bill Clinton sex scandal
Nannygate = Government officials not paying taxes on their nannies
Troopergate = Arkansas state troopers sex scandal involving Bill Clinton or Sarah Palin’s firing of the Alaskan state public safety commissioner for not firing her former brother-in-law state trooper
Whitewatergate = Clinton investment scandal
Travelgate = Firings of White House Travel Office employees
Hookergate = Defense contractors bribed congressman for political favors – I’m not sure why it’s called Hookergate, and I really don’t care to investigate.
Rathergate = The memo shown on 60 Minutes that took down Dan Rather
Nipplegate = Justin Timberlake exposing Janet Jackson’s nipple at the Superbowl halftime show